5 Steps in knowing you don’t need therapy anymore!

1) Achievement of Goals:

If you entered therapy with specific goals in mind (e.g., managing anxiety, improving relationships, combating depression), and you have successfully achieved those goals or made substantial progress, it may be a sign that you're ready to conclude therapy.

2) Improved Coping Skills:

If you have learned and consistently use effective coping strategies to manage the challenges or symptoms that led you to therapy, this is a positive sign of progress.

3) Increased Self-Awareness:

Therapy often involves gaining insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. When you better understand yourself and your triggers, you may feel more confident in managing issues independently.

4) Consistent Stability:

You experience a period of consistent emotional and mental stability where your symptoms are well-managed and don't significantly disrupt your daily life.

5) Therapist's Assessment:

Based on their professional assessment, your therapist may suggest that you've made substantial progress and are ready to end therapy. The therapist and you can collaborate together to come up with a plan.

It’s important to note that if you have completed the termination process and something comes up, you can ALWAYS reach out for a check-in or for that space to process events. Life can get the best of us sometimes, and it’s totally okay to go back to the therapy space even after you have completed therapy.


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