How to have a Healthy Disagreement

Have you ever wondered how you could have a healthy disagreement? Here are four tips on how to have a healthy disagreement.

1) Why are you feeling upset?

Are you angry because your partner left the ice cream out? Or are you angry because you feel you are doing all the cleanings? Take time to think about how you want to address the conversations. Starting an argument will still end up with the house not being clean.

2) Use I statements

I statements help not place blame on your partner/friend/family member and allows you to have your feelings. Example: I am angry because you don't help clean the house.

3) Discuss one thing at a time.

Don't jump from one topic to the next. Stay on the topic until you both feel it is resolved.

4) No degrading language

Talk about the issue that has come up. Not the person. You are all a team and are trying to get through life together, lets not make it more difficult or more challenging for each other.

Having these discussions and following these steps with your partner, friend, or family member is helpful in not losing the relationship and connecting and validating with that person. Even when you both might disagree with a topic, you still love and care for them. AND it’s okay not to see eye-to-eye on everything.


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