Evolving Journey Therapy

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Feeling Brain vs. Logic Brain

Here is a tool to help you break down situations where certain feelings are appearing. Close your eyes and pretend you are a scientist. Look at the situation from a nonobjective view. Use the steps below to write out what you are seeing. This will also help you notice your anxiety and how it is appearing.

Now that you have gathered and analyzed your data, what does this tell you about the situation? Really look and notice when these feelings are appearing. Who, what when and why will be your next set into seeing what is going on. By writing this all out it also helps for you to look when it appeared before and you may even to be able to see patterns emerge from gathering this information.

Once you have analyzed the information, what do you notice? What can you change to lessen the frequency of these emotions? What can you do to lessen the intensity of these emotions/feelings?

This will be a work in progress so take time to notice and be present with yourself when you have these feelings.