What is going on with my body when Anxiety appears?
Have you ever wondered what is going on in your body when you are experiencing anxiety? Here are the steps the body and the brain go through when we are experiencing anxiety.
First the brain thinks/feels there is a perceived threat —> In your brain you have a part called the Amygdala that reacts to the perceived threat. —>By the Amygdala reacting to the threat it releases hormones to help the body be reactive and take care of the perceived threat. —>This can feel like a Fight, Flight, Freeze response. The Fight, Flight, Freeze response is totally normal and has helped us survived for many years. It is when that Fight, Flight, Freeze response is inhibiting our everyday life is when it becomes a problem. In our bodies the Fight, Flight, Freeze response may look like the following:
Increase heart-rate
Chest Pain
Abdominal pain
With those occurring within the body it can become exhausting and tiring with the body going into those moments. When you noticing these symptoms on a daily occurrence try to recongizie what is going on around you. Try this mindful tip:
5 Things you See
4 Things you Feel
3 Things you Hear
2 Things you Smell
1 Thing you Taste
After you have become more aware of yourself try to figure out what brought up this anxiety. Document it by journaling what you thought would happen vs. what actually happened. This can help you recongize what is causing your body and mind to go into this response. If you need more help and anxiety is causing you to not live a fulfilled life than reach out today for a Free 15 min consultation.