Premarital Therapy

In Washington State

Premarital Therapy

Gottman Approved Member

Are you familiar with the term Premarital Therapy? At Evolving Journey, I aim to improve your relationship through nine therapy sessions. Our premarital therapy process increases your awareness and understanding of each other. As a Certified Prepare and Enrich facilitator, I can help you both look at your relationship, see your strengths as a couple, and focus on the areas where you both feel like you need the support to ensure your ground is solid. This helps avoid surprises after the paperwork is signed and the "I do's" are exchanged. Additionally, premarital therapy can strengthen communication skills and build a strong foundation for your future together. It provides a sense of security knowing that you are marrying the person you see yourself with for the long haul.

  • Are you and your partner about to embark on any of the following?


    -Who will live where/what to do housing situation?

    -Fiances and what that would look like.

    -To have children. What would that look like, and what are you'll thoughts?

    -What religion/any religion/traditions do you want to incorporate into the household?

    -Chores around the house and who does what.

    This is the perfect time to start premarital therapy to have you all start building that solid foundation.

  • Promotional Prices: Nine sessions of 50 min: $50.00

    Assessment: $35.00

    Total: $485

    Normally sessions are $160 per session for nine sessions. $1,440 plus assessment at $35, which is a total of $1475

    Can be done in person or online within the state of Washington.

  • First, there will be a free 15-minute consultation with me to ensure that we are a good fit.

    Once we have established that, we will schedule a meeting time.

    Before our appointment, both partners will need to complete an assessment, which should take around 35-40 minutes. It is important that you complete this independently and are as open and honest as possible.

    Please take your time to complete the assessment before our session.

    During our session, we will review the assessment together, and I will provide you with a worksheet containing feedback on your strengths and areas for growth.

    It is important to note that we may be unable to cover the entire assessment in one session. Depending on how we feel about the relationship, we may need to schedule up to nine sessions or more.

    Once we all feel Pre martial therapy is good, we will have an check-in before and after the special date to make sure we are all set.

  • To complete the assessment, you will be using a program called Prepare & Enrich. Please click the link provided to learn more about it. The assessment generally lasts between 30 to 45 minutes and is designed for you to be open and honest about yourself and your relationship. I recommend taking the assessment when you have enough time to complete it without interruptions. The cost of the assessment is $35, which you will need to pay through a credit or debit card once you receive the link invite from me. This fee includes both assessments.

    During the assessment, I will be examining several aspects, including your personality, your partner's personality, and your relationship. I will identify strengths and areas for growth in your relationship, which we can discuss further during our sessions. It is important to note that this is NOT a test, and there are no right or wrong answers. I simply want to help you gain insight into your relationship and improve it.


I am an out-of-network provider. I want the best care for you on your journey. I can provide a receipt/superbill for your insurance company. You can submit it to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Good Faith Estimate

A Good Faith Estimate (GFE) is available upon scheduling or request. Once we have decided to work together a GFE will be sent out for you to sign. Please let me know if you have any questions.